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Projects and Videos|Capstone 2023

  1. ALDI SÜD (Link)
    How Many Sales Would We Have Had Without Promotions?
    Tsen-Yu, Florian, Siyuan
  2. Datev eG (Link)
    Prediction of Winning a Legal Case
    Moritz Zimmermann, Karan Singh, Serkan Offermann
  3. FOND OF GmbH (Link)
    Influence of Weather on Sales of Children's Footwear
    Nicolas Mohr, Fabian Günkel, Philipp Rosenkranz
  4. Fressnapf SE (Link)
    Maximize Coupon Utilization and Personalize Coupon Assignments for Enhandes Marketing Strategies
    Carolin Freude, Jule Knoche, Ben Mischek
  5. Google (Link)
    Mapping the Path to Renewable Success in Germany's Photovoltaic Landscape
    Duc Anh Nguyen, Carolin Flosdorf, Zoe Zantow
  6. Inovex GmbH(Link)
    Data-efficient classification of dog owners' usage habits of IoT devices
    R. Mirman, S. Schenk, S. Pizarro
  7. Kearney (Link)
    Sales forecast for online retail clients
    Marie Christ, Katharina Fritz, Lea Schiemann
  8. M Yachts GmbH (Link)
    Predictive Maintenance in the Yachting Industry
    Alina Popova, Lennard Kothe, Wanhui Zhe
  9. McKinsey & Company
    Location Optimization for a German Discounter
    Min Hu, Julius Junker, Bennet Wiswe, Paul Wieder
  10. Metro AG (Link)
    How does Clicking on a personalized component affect the login behavior of Metro's online Customers
    Janina Dierk, Igor Keller, Daniel Schmitz-Pranghe
  11. Privatbrauerei Gaffel Becker & Co. OHG (Link)
    The Impact of Price Increases on Sales
    Bruhn Benedict, Diener Marcel, Yi-Hsuan Lee, Maheen Muhammad Sohail
  12. REWE Group (Link)
    Promotion Prediction
    René Oblonczek, Robin Beyer, Finn Bensch
  13. RWE AG (Link)
    Prediction of short-term high-price events in the Australian Nation Electricity Market
    Angelina Skryabina, Rolf Schnaufer, Meeno Wilken
  14. Volksbank Köln Bonn eG (Link)
    Identifying factors of churned accounts
    Marco Dolenga, Jonas Nolte, Justin Engelker