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Digital Nudging

Digital nudges are behavioral interventions that steer people's decision-making in digital environments. The core idea of nudging is to maintain people's freedom of choice but nudge them towards decisions that are better for themselves or society via clever design elements. In our work, we use nudges in digital environments and study how they affect human behavior. We also combine new developments in machine learning that allow for personalized nudges to study how such algorithmic nudges can be used to better address user preferences. In our studies, we use online and field experiments often conducted via digital platforms, for example, in the contexts of crowdfunding, e-commerce, or reputation systems.

Examples of Projects and Research Questions:

  • How does message framing influence online purchases of solar panels?
  • How does personalized anchoring influence retirement savings decisions?
  • How do decoy options influence backer behavior in crowdfunding?
  • How does the design of a rating system influence customer preferences?

Selected Publications:

  • Bär, D., Feuerriegel, S., Ting, L., Weinmann, M. (2023).  Message framing to promote solar panels. Nature Communications, 14 (7187), 1–9.

  • Weinmann, M., Mishra, A. N., Kaiser, L. F., vom Brocke, J. (2022).  The attraction effect in crowdfunding. Information Systems Research, 34 (3), 1276–1295.

  • Schneider, C., Weinmann, M., Mohr, P.N.C, & vom Brocke, J. (2020). When the stars shine too bright: The influence of multidimensional ratings on online consumer ratings.  Management Science, 67 (6), 3321–3984.

  • Schneider, C., Weinmann, M., & vom Brocke, J. (2018). Digital nudging—Guiding choices by using interface design. Communications of the ACM, 61 (7), 67–73.