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Human-AI Interaction

New advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) are about to change the future of work. We are particularly interested in how humans and AI collaborate and how such technological developments influence people's decision-making. AI can be both beneficial or harmful depending on which context it is being used; it is beneficial in situations where people need to process vast amounts of data, and at the same time, it is harmful in cases where AI is biased towards gender, age, and other demographic backgrounds. We use experiments to study the benefits and harms of AI in human-AI collaborative settings.

Examples of Projects and Research Questions:

  • Does AI support improve or harm creativity?
  • Do humans favor AI responses over human responses?
  • Can trace data be used to improve the interactions between humans and AI?

Selected Publications:

  • Demir, S., Fügener, A., Gupta, A., & Weinmann, M. (2024).  The effect of AI support on Torrance's creativity dimensions: Evidence from an online experiment.  European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2024.