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Course Info

Module [Module Number] CM Data Analytics II [1277MBMLA1]
Regular Cycle Winter Term
Teaching Form Lecture
Examination Form Written test: Portfolio
Teaching Language English
Instructor Prof. Dr. Markus Weinmann, Christopher Coors, Rainer Dyckerhoff
KLIPS 2.0 Link


Module Content

  • Basics of the methods of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Basics of both supervised and unsupervised methods (e.g. decision trees, random forests, boost- ing, support vector machines, neural networks, deep and opponent learning, ensemble learning, principal component analysis, factor analysis and diverse learning or multidimensional scaling)
  • Translation of business problems into machine learning use cases; feasibility and impact
  • Responsible implementation of machine learning projects in compliance with ethical standards

Learning Objectives

Students …
  • know and understand the relevant methods and theories for the points mentioned above under „Module content“.
  • understand advanced, specialized theories / methods in the field of machine learning and AI.
  • analyse current questions and challenges in the field of machine learning and AI.
  • assess and discuss findings and research results of specialized theories / methods.
  • act responsibly considering ecological, social and ethical criteria.
  • develop work processes for real problems and challenges.